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Viser innholdet med mest poeng fra 28. jan. 2023 i Innlegg

  1. Sorry for writing in English, I'm using speech recognition to avoid having to type out long Norwegian sentences because of tendinitis. I have just started developing an integration for Homely integration for Home Assistant. My initial pull request is currently in review, and once this is accepted we should be able to poll the Homely API for various sensor data. I currently only support the following devices: Door sensor Smoke alarm Motion sensor mini These are the only devices I have, and the documentation is not very extensive. The keypad and siren does not seem to appear in the API. If you have additional devices, please consider downloading the helper package homelypy, run it, and provide me with the dump as described in the readme file. It should provide me with the necessary information to add support for any included device. Or better yet, create a pull request with the additional devices :-). Note that the API is currently only read-only, so we can only receive telemetry data from the devices, not control them. It is therefore not possible to e.g. arm the alarm or sound the siren. I do not know if or when they are planning to improve this, but hopefully soon 🤞 The method for getting things into Home Assistant is a bit slow, so I am only allowed to include a single platform in the first round. I have chosen sensors, so we get temperature, battery level, and signal strength for each device. The binary sensors have already been created (alarm state and battery low state), but I have to wait until the initial pull request is approved. On my list is also to create a separate device that represents the home alarm system to show the various states of arming and alarming. Depending on how slow things go I might get everything approved before the next release, maybe. Unfortunately I have not gotten the web socket interface to work correctly, yet, I have a support request waiting with the guys at Homely. Until I figure this out the integration only supports polling and is set up to do this every five minutes to avoid any throttling issues. My ongoing development branch is here: https://github.com/kolaf/core/tree/homely/homeassistant/components/homely And the associated pull request is here: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/84951 If you have any comments, suggestions, or want to chip in, just let me know. And, of course, feel free to reply in Norwegian. Kolaf
    1 poeng
  2. Nei, samme problem hos meg. Jeg lager en sak på dette på github nå.
    1 poeng
  3. Ny feil følger. Versjon 0.1.3 er lastet opp. Om du følger readme til https://github.com/kolaf/homelypy og sender meg json filen så får jeg sikkert laget støtte for dørlåsen etterhvert.
    1 poeng
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