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Innlegg skrevet av Olegs

  1. 3 hours ago, Olav said:

    I have to rewrite the offset calculation. At the moment I'm using an existing function, but it does not support negative values.


    -I'll look into it and fix it. However, the prices should be extracted, so in the mean time, you'll just see the price for the next hour.

    Thanks, it works very well for what I need.

    One note: currently file  contains two instances of code - old one and new one in development branch - is this planned? https://bitbucket.org/OlavAndre/nordpool/src/c3244670b1e8a0a8d863754741c323c13ca4f8f6/nordpool.py?at=development&fileviewer=file-view-default - search for "utf-8", you'll see both starts. Is this supposed to be so? I deleted second part for me.

    Also, I have set offset to be '01:00:00', and changed lines with timedelta to such:

    now = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=-1*self._offset)

    Now I am getting proper time for Latvia. Thing that I am not sure of - what will happen at midnight when my date has already changed, but CEST has not.

    • Thanks 1
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