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Jostein Lønning

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Innlegg skrevet av Jostein Lønning

  1. På 1.12.2019 den 16.58, Torill Iversen skrev:

    I had to do a lot of mcGyver stuff;)

    You need to drill a bigger hole for the front piece. Also, for it to be attached, I had to cut the round metal (se pictures) so it got all the way into the door.

    You can then use the original pins - but i needed some adjustments ( and you need other screws).

    The back piece also needs some adjustment. I had to build it out by cutting a similar shaped piece of an piece that is supposed to be in a IKEA closet. You can use whatever you have available. 

    I did not use the original lock bolt. I used just a cylinder extension and the original locking case. At last I took out the little square piece inside the original nest lockbolt (the one that the pin comes into). I cut this, and then clued it onto the cylinder extension so that its tight when the motor turns around and locks. This last step might not be necessary on other extensions, - but mine had some backlash that resulted in  a door that could`t open (motor moved a while before actually rotate the lock).



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