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Alt skrevet av Helyson

  1. I am trying to control Z-WATER with Z-TEMP2 and I am having problems.I am using Homey Pro as hub. Z-WATER has Node ID 62 Z-TEMP2 has Node ID 61 Actuators are connected to Z-WATER channels 2, 3, 4 and 5. I have created association in Z-TEMP2 in Group 3 as 62.2,62.3,62.4,62.5 When I active the Relays individually in Homey Pro I can hear the click (it is working). In Homey Pro I see relays 2 to 10 and on named Z-Water. I do not see relay-1. it says current temperature is 25.5C and I set to 40C but nothing changes. All relays are off. If I manually active the one named Z-Water in Homey, it stays on for a few seconds and afterwards is off. Questions: 1. It seems they Z-WATER and Z-TEMP2 are installed individually but I do not see any evidence of communication between them. How do I check it? 2. I change temperature target in Z-TEMP2 but I do not see the relays closing or open. No action on Z-WATER. 3. Why in Homey the item named as Z-WATER does not stays on? I added some pictures in case it helps to evaluate the problem.
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