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Innlegg skrevet av smargi

  1. yes, I completely uninstall the plugin and delete all the devices and try from the start but it's all the same.

    I Don't know if this help but my air condition That doesn't have the fan and power control is from Samsung.


    Now my plugin doesn't work at all i get this message:

    CRITICAL: Plugin has disconnected.
  2. Hi.


    First here is the pic from my air conditioner that has the fan control.

    second I try to update to the new version but it's all the same no control over fan or power ?



  3. Hi...


    I just installed the plugin and I see all my airconditioners but I missing some control on homeseer like fan speed control and power button I just don't have or see the buttons to use them.

    anyone know how to fix this..?



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