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Innlegg skrevet av Lund

  1. Here it goes, performing my usual SOP for Home Center software update...

    1. Perform a configuration backup,
    2. Reboot HC2 (logic: flush out non-visible stuffs such as abnormalities, cache, hung processor threads, etc),
    3. Sanity Check for 5-15 minutes (logic: reboot usually boots up fine but just in case of unforeseeable abnormal behaviour),
    4. Proceed to firmware update,
    5. Clear web browser cache,
    6. Terminate web browser,
    7. Relaunch web browser,
    8. Repeat step 5-7 if firmware update still in progress,
    9. Change Freeze for 1 hour (logic: allows non-visible backend scripts/processes to complete any conversions, system changes, etc that the new firmware has to perform).







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