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  1. Thanks @Guahtdim, I will just go for the Sensibo Sky, the base model and it’s cheaper as well I understand your rationale for not listing, as a retired industrial automation developer, I should try to keep things simpler, sometimes I get a bit carried away From the posts I’ve read, it sounds like you’ve done an excellent job with the plugin. It’s always good to have some support!
  2. Hi Guys (@Guahtdim), Just discovered this Sensibo driver and am very interested. I’m just looking at Sensibo modules to integrate an A/C unit into my HomeSeer HS4 Pro (V2.16) on Windows 10. I haven’t bought a unit yet, a Sensibo Sky would do what I need but a Sensibo Air Pro would give me more data. Are the Sensibo Air and Sensibo Air Pro supported? Also curious as to why the driver is not on the HomeSeer plugin list? You could use some funds to assist development… Regards
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